Heather Moore in a blue jumper, pink lipstick and peacock earrings

Carve Out Your Artistry Business

Stand Out Style in the Sea of Artists & Makers | Attract Your Dream Repeat Customers | Sell with Confidence

The Only Group Mentoring Programme For Talented Artists And Makers That Are Ready To Increase Their Prices, Charge Their Worth And Effortlessly Attract Their Dream Customers So They Can Increase Their Monthly Income And Create The Life They Deserve

Clear through the fog of all the courses run by coaches, not creatives and get proactive about building a successful artistry business that supports the lifestyle you want and deserve

Because it’s possible to be an artist and make great money - there’s no need to conform to the starving artist stereotype…That’s not for you!

This is for you if…

  • You know you create amazing art but the customers you thought you’d have are not banging the doors down desperate to buy your work like you’d hoped when you decided to take the plunge 

  • You’re fed up with doing all the things the business experts on social media tell you to do and seeing little or no results (because they don’t get what it’s like to be an artist). It's not a one size fits all. 

  • You’re frustrated with the fact that you work your ass off every single day, but don’t make the sales to reflect all those hours

  • You want to see your work in galleries, magazines and in people’s homes and you know that it’s possible but you need the strategy to make it happen

  • You want the freedom to organise your life in a way that gives you the lifestyle you dream of - because why can’t your art business do that?

There are no ‘hacks’ or shortcuts that are going to get you to a point where you have sold out your art. It’s about getting strategic, doing the work and making continuous improvements towards being the artist you want to be.

In this group programme you’ll find the support and knowledge that you need to get you there and the accountability that is going to see you take the right actions for you and your business.

You can have a successful art career if you’re willing to do the work…

Having my eyes on your business (or business idea) will enable you to get really clear about what you’re selling (spoiler - it’s not really the art) and who wants it.

So you can either carry on doing what you’re doing and feeling like you’re walking through treacle OR


Imagine how different your life could be this time next year when you have built confidence, a strategy and a crystal clear idea of who you’re selling to.

What People Are Saying

It has enabled me to no longer pull a price out of thin air or charge too little for my art that can take hours to plan and create.  I'm now starting to use the artist calculator strategically as any operational business. My mindset has changed and it's brilliant to use for each artwork ready to price into the world.

— Samantha

Heather helped me to set up my Pinterest properly - I had a personal account but I didn’t know how to use it for my business but with her help I felt more confident. She made it all easy with simple explanations. She made it idiot proof and was very patient!!!! I knew I could trust her because she’s an established artist, ex teacher and great person. Watching her demo at the Living North event she was calm, collected, no ers or ums.  It was very impressive. Since working with Heather, I’ve been more streamlined and feel more relaxed in the daily art chaos. She has a calming aura.

— Anke

Why me?

I am great at seeing the big picture and I have created 6 easy to follow modules that are going to enable you to zoom out and see it for yourself.

You are firmly lodged IN your business and it can be tough to back up and see what’s really going on - that’s where I come in.

This is not only going to be a massive confidence boost (because I bet there’s tons you’re great at but not making the most of) but it’s going to enable you to pinpoint what it is that will help you blow up your art career.

With my support and knowledge and a chance to ask me all your questions you get the chance to get direct feedback specific to your business. We and the community you’ll find with the other artists in the programme you are going to finally build that dream and see yourself flourish.

So why work with me?

I am a coast obsessed Lino printmaker unashamedly bringing a weird vibrant twist to the walls of my clients homes.

From selling out collections to getting into glossy mags, my journey has been a fun one. My double page spread in Living North was a real pinch me moment and then they invited me to present at their highly popular spring event. That doesn’t happen by accident (I’ll show you how in our sessions).

I bloody LOVE helping people - it gives me a MASSIVE buzz. I also HATE the way that society STILL has this outdated image of the starving artist suffering for the love of their art. It’s nonsense.

It’s my mission to wipe that misconception from the face of the Earth and I’m taking you along with me. I’m going to show you what you’re doing well, what to start doing more of and what to completely get rid of (it’s going to feel so freeing!).

I believe that there is a huge amount of untapped talent going to waste in the world because of the limiting beliefs that we’ve inherited from society.

I have been where you are  - I was feeling stuck and ready to pack it all in and get a ‘normal job’ - but I overcame it.

I invested in myself and got strategic - I got clear on what I wanted, what I could help people with and then I did the work.

I’m not going to tell you it’s easy - it takes commitment but it’s so so worth it!

And if I can do it, you can too!

So far, doing all this work has enabled me to:

  • Be seen in amazing glossy mags like Living North and Coast Magazine

  • Be invited to demonstrate at Living North and local art societies

  • Create viral reels on instagram that have brought in 54 fresh new clients

  • Collaborate on a charity fundraiser with celebs such as Joe Lycett Ricky Wilson and Jodie Whittaker

What you get

6 Modules to Support You in Taking (worth £894)

So that you can take the Right Action as an Artist without wasting time on procrasti-learning

Module 1 - Carve Out Creative Style

I know your passion is in the creating of the art. We need to work on making it really clear what you do for your clients so kick it all off, we’re going to cover:

  • Inspiration

  • Finding your difference

Module 2 - Carve Out Your Time

Floating through the day just won’t get you where you need to be so we’re going to look at ways to manage that time using strategies such as time blocking and setting daily priorities. 

  • Time blocking

  • Priorities

  • Focus

  • Logging time spent on a piece (so so important

  • Your non negotiables for creative time

Module 3 - Carve Out Your Mindset

Now you’re organised, let’s get you truly believing in what you are capable of and what you WILL achieve. This module is a biggy and is going to help you with:

  • Motivation

  • Confidence

  • Self care

  • Money mindset

Module 4 - Carve Out Your Strategy

I talk about strategy a lot and that’s because without it you don;t have a business - you have a hobby. In this module we cover: 

  • Pricing

  • Goal setting

  • Niching -

  • Streamlining

  • products and services

  • Audience/Ideal client

  • Brand messaging

Module 5 - Carve Out Your Sales

We've already covered money mindset but you’re going to be digging down deep on it for this one and taking action to make sales in a way that feels good for you and your business. We look at: 

  • latforms - websites and social media

  • Marketing

  • Sales conversations

  • Wholesale

  • Working with Galleries/shops

  • Other ways to sell - POD etc.

Module 6 -  Carve Out Your Systems

This is not the sexiest of modules but it’s the one that will enable things to run smoothly and make it easier to deal with difficult clients.

  • Terms of sale - stand strong on these

  • Intellectual property - the pitfalls of using other people’s work and vice versa

  • Cyber safety/GDPR


Monthly Group Mentoring

(worth £447)

There is so much magic in these sessions.

Once a month, the whole group will get together on a call and bring one challenge that I will work through with you. Not only do you get to work on your challenges but you benefit from the experience and support of your colleagues.

These sessions support you in:

  • Staying accountable

  • Taking effective action

  • Staying on top of the mindset monkeys

  • Raising your energy levels

They also enable me to:

  • Tailor the support i give to be exactly what you need

  • Develop new materials to support you

My Advice on Tap

(worth £8,940)

You’re bound to have burning questions between calls or even want my eyes on some content or website copy. We’ll be using Slack to share photos, links and questions so that I can support you when you need it.

You will have a private area dedicated to you and the Carve Out Your Art Career community.

You’ll also get these fabulous bonuses…



BONUS 1 〰️

Access to My Little Black Book


Sometimes it’s not what you know but WHO you know so I will be putting you in touch with designers, writers and influential people that can build your network and get you in the right rooms.




Nicki James smiling in black and white

The Art of an Abundant Mindset

(worth £750)

with Nicki James, Personal Brand & Business Strategist to 6, 7 & 8 Figure Entrepreneurs

- the transformational daily tools to shift into a worthy AF money mindset so you can sell out, charge your worth and call in more success as a thriving business owner.

The Investment

In total, this is worth a massive £11,031

but you’re getting it for only


(or 6 monthly payments of £167)

see bottom of page


…you’ve gotten to the end of the 6 month Carve Out Your Art Business programme and you feel invigorated. You’re making the art you’ve always wanted to and are charging much higher prices than you were at the beginning. What’s even better is - people are paying those prices and thanking you for it because you’ve created something truly amazing that people can’t wait to buy.

…you have a clear idea of where your art business is going and you feel organised and confident enough to take it there. You have strategies to deal with mind monkeys when they arise and people confident on the fact that you’re glowing with confidence.

…you walk into gallery previews and attract people to you because your energy is amazing and they want to know about what you do. You’ve built a network of other artists to support you and cheer you on and you bounce into your studio feeling excited and grateful that you get to build your own life.

With the right support, this can be your reality…

feedback after mentoring someone to do online public speaking

This is for you if… 

  • you are committed to the dream and doing the work

  • you are receptive to constructive criticism

  • you’re willing to let go of the things that aren’t working

  • you’re willing to stop talking to everyone and niche down on your actual audience

  • you feel ready to invest in yourself

It’s not for you if…

  • you expect me to do the work for you

  • you feel like things are going to change with time

  • you want to cling to all the things you’re doing now

  • you’re not willing to make the change

  • you don’t think you’re worth the investment

You know you want to make this dream a reality and I’m here to help you build it.

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got and there’s no better time to make that change!

How to Get Started

1 payment of £997

When you pay in full, you also get:

  • The Artists Profit Calculation System online calculator

  • Artist Brochure Canva format

  • Wholesale Catalogue Canva format

6 payments of £167


I don’t have a lot of time to work on the business, what if I can’t make the calls?

All of the training calls will be recorded so it’s okay if you miss one here and there. You’ll get out of this what you put in though and being busy doesn’t necessarily equate to being productive. Being on the live calls will give you the opportunity to ask questions and get feedback in real time but if you can’t make it you’ll have the slack channel to ask questions in too.

I get anxious in groups with other people. Can I do it on a one to one basis instead?

That’s a different offer altogether but I do offer one to one mentoring. Use this link to book a call to talk about what is the best fit for you https://thepeacocktheprintmaker.as.me/schedule.php?appointmentType=55987221

Do I already need to have collections of art made?

You don’t need to be at the point of having full collections but you do need to have created enough work that we can start to nail down what your signature style is. You don’t have to be fully clear on this as it’s something we’ll work on.

This is a big investment, can I spread the cost?

If you’d like to pay in smaller instalments then I can work out a payment plan for you.

You need to remember that it’s important to invest in yourself. You’re going to see a much larger return on this investment than a self study course because you’ll no longer be going it alone. You’ll have a mentor to keep you accountable and push you forward and a community of artists to bounce ideas off and celebrate with.

I live outside of the UK. Can I still access the calls?

Of course. I am using video calls so you can access them anywhere in the world.
Please be advised though that my  hours for calls are Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm GMT and this can’t be changed.