Free 3 part action based training for artists who are struggling to find their ideal art buyers and are ready to get out their selling to people who adore what you do!

Find Your

Ideal Artistry Buyer

From lost in the social media wilderness to engaging directly with buyers with the RIGHT content that will increase your engagement and skyrocket your sales

Find Your Ideal Artistry Buyer

Coming Soon

The whole idea of the struggling poor artist is a myth perpetuated by a past version of our society…

So many artists are introverts so they find it hard to share what they do…

You want to earn money from your art but can’t find the buyers so you start to think that you need to change the art you’re making or thinking that maybe what you do isn’t good enough - WRONG!

Your art is not the problem - your socials are and the likelihood is, you're sitting in the scroll zone.

People online might be loving what you’re doing and hitting the like buttons but if they’re not the right people who are ready to buy then you’re just shouting into the void and wasting time.

Just churning out the same content that other artists are and following the trends may get you a few views but it’s not going to turn on your specific ideal client.

Even when you’re struggling with coming up with ideas for your content but being a copy cat is not going to cut it!

It’s time to start standing out and showing what makes you amazing..

Have you ever felt like…

  • There is too much art out there so nobody is going to buy yours - WRONG

Your ideal buyers are out there waiting for you but you just aren’t speaking directly to them. It’s all about making them feel seen, speaking to their desires and having conversations.

  • It’s ‘cheeky’ or ‘pushy’ asking for the sale and it feels cringy to talk about prices and money on social media - WRONG

Chances are, if you’re not telling people they can buy your work then they don’t know - they probably think it’s a hobby.

  • The thought of being like the stereotypical pushy car salesman holds you back from sharing your amazing work with the world and telling your ideal clients how they can buy - STILL WRONG

People want to buy your art. You need to give them the opportunities to connect with it and fall in love. Buying art is an emotional transaction after all.

It’s not about being Insta-perfect…

I have a proven record of creating viral social media content that brings in more followers and gets seen by thousands of non-followers, bringing them into my world.

Obsessing about likes doesn’t make you sales, it just makes you sad.

I’m going to show you easy ways to make your social media more effective without just copying all the trends.

Over the 3 days you will create a stand out social profile while retaining authenticity and personality that attracts your ideal buyers.

I have been where you are…

Not knowing what to post, comparing myself to other artists and watching their perfectionist instagram grid with their piles of orders and assuming that they are doing better than I am.

Have you ever heard the phrase ‘Comparison is the thief of joy.'?

It’s so true.

I am not the same as all the other artists and neither are you so why would you put out the same old social media content as they do?

Once I started creating content that was authentically me while still using all the tricks I’d learned meant that my audience moved rapidly through the KNOW-LIKE-TRUST process and bought into what I’m all about.

What People Are Saying

“She made it all easy with simple explanations.

She made it idiot proof and was very patient!!!!

I knew I could trust her because she’s an established artist, ex teacher and great person.

Since working with Heather, I’ve been more streamlined and feel more relaxed in the daily art chaos. She has a calming aura..”

— Anke, Metal Jewellery Artist

“Heather has been great to work with, easy to get a long with, friendly and has helped me immensely with my social media.

Previously  I was just putting photos on now and then. Heather encouraged to be consistent, I didn’t think I would manage 3 posts a week but it’s been quite easy once you get going with it.

I started sharing photos of myself, reels, Heather gave me useful tips for captions to use and gave me the confidence to start sharing the narrative of the work.

Once you get started, it becomes fun and enjoyable sharing your artistic journey.”

— Samantha, Abstract Painter

Day One - Define who your client is

… and (crucially) how to engage them so you can speak directly to them and sell them what they want

Day Two - Start a conversation on social media

…creating viral content so that you can reach a wider audience of excited art fans

Day Three - Story sequences that lead to conversations with buyers

…so that you can ask for the sale instead of waiting around for it to happen magically




Heather Moore in white t shirt with 'print' necklace.

LIVE Group Coaching Q & A

Once you have all the key ideas you’re going to get the chance to ask questions about your specific context. so I am adding a group coaching session after the training on 3rd October. Bring a notebook and a coffee - this is going to be so valuable!

BONUS Masterclass


BONUS Masterclass 〰️

Heather Moore jumping for joy in front of a blue wall

Sell Your Art Masterclass

After the three days you’ll know how to make sure your social media is attracting your ideal clients.

The masterclass is then going to build on all of that showing you 3 key ways to sell outside of social media.

Hi, I’m Heather

I am a coast obsessed Lino printmaker unashamedly bringing a weird vibrant twist to the walls of my clients homes.

From selling out collections to getting into glossy mags, my journey has been a fun one. My double page spread in Living North was a real pinch me moment and then they invited me to present at their highly popular spring event. That doesn’t happen by accident (I’ll show you how in our sessions).

I bloody LOVE helping people - it gives me a MASSIVE buzz. I also HATE the way that society STILL has this outdated image of the starving artist suffering for the love of their art. It’s nonsense.

It’s my mission to wipe that misconception from the face of the Earth and I’m taking you along with me. I’m going to show you what you’re doing well, what to start doing more of and what to completely get rid of (it’s going to feel so freeing!).

I believe that there is a huge amount of untapped talent going to waste in the world because of the limiting beliefs that we’ve inherited from society.

Heather Moore sitting on a sofa with her art

So if you’re looking for:

  • Clarity on who your ideal art buyer is and how to find them

  • Easy ways to engage them on social media

  • Accountability to take immediate action

  • Individual feedback on all of this

  • Much, much more…

Then join me by signing up