Creative Mojo by the Bucketload | Focussed Strategy That Brings Sales | An Art Business That Supports The Life You Want

One to One Artist Mentoring

Supporting artists who want to scale to build strategic businesses so that they can be more strategic about making consistent sales and create the life they want…

Stop the overwhelm of feeling like you have a million tabs open and get strategic about developing your art business so that it feels easy and in line with what YOU want from it.

Because it’s more than possible to create a life as an artist - don’t believe the ‘starving artist’ crap!

This is for you if…

  • you know you want to be a professional artist but your mind monkeys tell you that it’s not possible so you keep yourself playing small

  • you want clarity on your personal style and you want to get clear on how to talk to the people who want to buy the art you make (spoiler - you don’t have to change who you are to make the sales)

  • you want to be engaging your clients on social media using all the hooks and translating that into sales

  • you want to charge proper prices for your art rather than undercharging to bring in a few pounds (trust me undercharging only harms you in the long term)

  • you want to see your work in galleries, magazines and in people’s homes and you know that it’s possible but you need the strategy to make it happen

  • you want the freedom to organise your life in a way that gives you the lifestyle you dream of - because why can’t your art business do that?

Heather Moore excited to be supporting aspiring artists

So here’s the thing…

You ARE capable of creating that dream business - you just need to know how to make that your reality. I see SO many artists who create amazing work but don’t achieve the success they deserve.

You are a deeply creative person but being a successful artist is not an easy path. People don’t just buy everything they see on Instagram or just from their local artists because they have access to the whole damn world and they’re picky. And so they should be!

But guess what - if you’re not visible and showing them what you have to offer then they won’t know you or your art exist.

Those dream clients are waiting for you to show up so that they can own your gorgeous work.

You can have a successful art career if you’re willing to do the work…

Having my eyes on your business (or business idea) will enable you to get really clear about what you’re selling (spoiler - it’s not really the art) and who wants it.

So you can either carry on doing what you’re doing and feeling like you’re walking through treacle OR



“Heather helped me to set up my Pinterest properly - I had a personal account but I didn’t know how to use it for my business but with her help I felt more confident.

She made it all easy with simple explanations. She made it idiot proof and was very patient!!!!

I knew I could trust her because she’s an established artist, ex teacher and great person. Watching her demo at the Living North event she was calm, collected, no ers or ums.  It was very impressive

Since working with Heather, I’ve been more streamlined and feel more relaxed in the daily art chaos. She has a calming aura. ”

Heather Moore jumping for joy celebrating her artist clients

Why Work With Me?

I am great at seeing the big picture.

You are firmly lodged IN your business and it can be tough to back up and see what’s really going on - that’s where I come in.

This is not only going to be a massive confidence boost (because I bet there’s tons you’re great at but not making the most of) but it’s going to enable you to pin point what it is that will help you blow up your art career.

I am a coast obsessed Lino printmaker unashamedly bringing a weird vibrant twist to the walls of my clients homes.

From selling out collections to getting into glossy mags, my journey has been a fun one. My double page spread in Living North was a real pinch me moment and then they invited me to present at their highly popular spring event. That doesn’t happen by accident (I’ll show you how in our sessions).

I bloody LOVE helping people - it gives me a MASSIVE buzz. I also HATE the way that society STILL has this outdated image of the starving artist suffering for the love of their art. It’s nonsense.

It’s my mission to wipe that misconception from the face of the Earth and I’m taking you along with me. I’m going to show you what you’re doing well, what to start doing more of and what to completely get rid of (it’s going to feel so freeing!).

I believe that there is a huge amount of untapped talent going to waste in the world because of the limiting beliefs that we’ve inherited from society.

I have been where you are - I was feeling stuck and ready to pack it all in and get a ‘normal job’ - but I overcame it.

I invested in myself and got strategic - I got clear on what I wanted, what I could help people with and then I did the work.

I’m not going to tell you it’s easy - it takes commitment but it’s so so worth it!

And if I can do it, you can too!

So far, doing all this work has enabled me to:

  • Be seen in amazing glossy mags like Living North and Coast Magazine

  • Be invited to demonstrate at Living North and local art societies

  • Create viral reels on instagram that have brought in 54 fresh new clients

  • Collaborate on a charity fundraiser with celebs such as Joe Lycett Ricky Wilson and Jodie Whittaker

What You Get

Creative Development

  • Your creative style

  • Creating your personalised strategy to reinvigorate your art in those times when you lose your mojo

  • Levelling up your art skills

  • Learning how to present your art to different audiences

Bi Monthly Mentoring

(worth £894)

Working on one key aspect of your business in each one hour session so that you can level up each aspect in detail for overall growth.

Areas that we cover include:

Business Development

  • Mindset

  • Time Management

  • Strategy

  • Branding

  • Selling

  • Policy

My Advice on Tap

(worth £8.940)

You’re bound to have burning questions between calls or even want my eyes on some content or website copy. We’ll be using Slack to share photos, links and questions so that I can support you when you need it.

You will have a private area dedicated just to you.

Heather Moore in black and hot pink standing in a power pose

You’ll also get this fabulous bonus…

Access to My Little Black Book


Sometimes it’s not what you know but WHO you know so I will be putting you in touch with designers, writers and influential people that can build your network and get you in the right rooms.

When you join you get all this amazing value for just £497 per month

(minimum commitment of 3 months, instalment plans are available)

Imagine if…

…a year down the line you’ve built the amazing art business you’ve been imagining since you were little and you have the freedom to work wherever you want at the times that suite YOU.

…you’re bringing in sales in your sleep and everything happens on your schedule.

…your art is hanging is gorgeous homes and prestigious galleries as well as adorning the pages of the glossy magazines that you used to buy and dream about being know by.

…you feel f***ing fantastic and feel your vision growing even bigger because you have the confidence to dream big and go for it!

Heather stood in a light filled studio space with her sketchbook

This is for you if…

  • you are committed to the dream and doing the work

  • you are receptive to constructive criticism

  • you’re willing to let go of the things that aren’t working

  • you’re willing to stop talking to everyone and niche down on your actual audience

  • you feel ready to invest in yourself

This is NOT for you if…

  • you expect me to do the work for you

  • you feel like things are going to change with time

  • you want to cling to all the things you’re doing now

  • you’re not willing to make the change

  • you don’t think you’re worth the investment

You know you want to make the dream a reality and I’m here to help you build it.

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got and there’s no better time to make that change!


  • No. If you’re just starting out that’s fine too. We’re going to go through all aspects of building the dream business.

  • You don’t need to be at the point of having full collections but you do need to have created enough work that we can start to nail down what your signature style is. You don’t have to be fully clear on this as it’s something we’ll work on.

  • If you’d like to pay in smaller instalments then I can work out a payment plan for you.

  • Of course. I am using Google Meet videos so you can access them anywhere in the world.

    Please be advised though that my hours for calls are Monday to Friday 10am to 2pm GMT and this can’t be changed.

  • Absolutely. Find a slot in my calendar that works for you