Lino Printmaking: A Newcastle Printmaker’s Blog
Why it’s Important to Use Good Quality Printmaking tools (and what happens when you don’t)
They say a poor tradesman blames his tools but is that really true?
There’s a balance to be struck when aiming to create the highest quality products. It requires a combination of skill, knowledge and the right tools and materials. Even the most skilled of artists will struggle to create their best work with low quality equipment.
10 Reasons to Try Printmaking
It goes without saying that I love printmaking because I have chosen to make it my business. There are so many reasons that I love it though. It helps me to focus or zone out. It helps me to express my creativity. It connects me to others and gives me time for myself too.
Fancy giving printmaking a go but not sure if it’s right for you? Here are 10 reasons to try printmaking.