Lino Printmaking: A Newcastle Printmaker’s Blog

Benefits of Art Heather Moore Benefits of Art Heather Moore

Creating Confidence - a printmaking project funded by Arts Council England

This project aimed to make visual arts more accessible to women in deprived areas and enable them to use the creation of artworks to open up conversations about their traumas and healing process. It also aimed to enable to women to develop skills that they can apply to future employment opportunities, such as:

  • Cooperation

  • Building trust in relationships

  • Problem solving

  • Seeing a project through from inception to completion

  • Managing time

  • Pricing products

  • Sales

  • Engaging with customers

  • Presenting their work

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Events Heather Moore Events Heather Moore

Samarivans: How Artists & Celebrities Are Raising Money And Awareness For Samaritans

Over 150 artists and celebrities are coming together lead by Sarah Graham to make a real difference to people battling mental health issues. Find out how!

What is ‘Samarivans’?

Artist Sarah Graham, who is heading up this amazing project, is very open about the fact that The Samaritans have supported her through some very dark times as she’s battled Bipolar disease. She has now be episode free for 4 years (at time of publishing) and thanks The Samritans for their support of more than one occasion.

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