Lino Printmaking: A Newcastle Printmaker’s Blog
Mastering Lino Printmaking: Essential Tools Every Artist Needs
Lino printmaking is an exciting and unique art form that allows artists to create stunning pieces using a simple yet effective technique. Whether you are a seasoned artist or a beginner in the world of printmaking, mastering lino printmaking requires having the right tools in your arsenal. In this article, we will explore the essential tools every artist needs to become a successful lino printmaker. From carving tools to printing ink, we will cover everything you need to create stunning pieces of art that showcase your creativity and skill. So, whether you are looking to start your lino printmaking journey or you are looking to take your skills to the next level, read on to discover the essential tools that every artist needs to master this exciting art form.
Why it’s Important to Use Good Quality Printmaking tools (and what happens when you don’t)
They say a poor tradesman blames his tools but is that really true?
There’s a balance to be struck when aiming to create the highest quality products. It requires a combination of skill, knowledge and the right tools and materials. Even the most skilled of artists will struggle to create their best work with low quality equipment.