Lino Printmaking: A Newcastle Printmaker’s Blog

Art Business Tips Heather Moore Art Business Tips Heather Moore

How (and why) to grow your email list as a Creative Business Owner

  1. Choose a platform - It’s so easy to put together a mailing list now. I started with the free version of Mailchimp and it was a great place to start. They gave me space for up to 2000 subscribers So easy to use and I knew I was GDPR compliant.

    There are loads of providers to choose from and I now pay to use Kit because of the automations and audience growth tools. My business is growing and building my email list and email funnels is a massive part of that.

  2. Decide what your subscribers get out of it - Are you sending them inspiration? Discounts? VIP tickets? Think of 3 perks that add value and tell people about it. Remember, a lot of people will associate emails with work so what happy mail are you sending them that makes it worth their while.

  3. Invite people - Whether it's …

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Art Business Tips Heather Moore Art Business Tips Heather Moore

Why you need to charge more for your art (And How to Do It)

I'm looking at you - yes you, the artist who wants to 5x their income, start charging their worth, get into more galleries and finally start living the life they’ve been dreaming of.

I know it sounds too good to be true but hear me out. I used to charge £40 for my 40cm limited edition Lino prints, now I charge a minimum of £270. So what changed?

There were a number of things - artists and collectors told me I was charging too little, I wanted to sell through galleries but I was going to be losing money and (and this is the biggest thing) I started to value what I was doing and take myself seriously as an artist.

When you want to create a sustainable art business rather than a hobby that pays for itself, you have to think seriously about the numbers. It’s no good plucking a number out of the air or simply charging what someone else does. That’s not going to ensure you cover your costs and make a decent profit. Do you think that’s what the likes of Frida Kahlo or Georgia O’Keefe would do? Hell no!

Being an artist is a ‘real job’. It can pay you a comfortable income but you have to be strategic.

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