Lino Printmaking: A Newcastle Printmaker’s Blog

Art Business Tips Heather Moore Art Business Tips Heather Moore

An Artist/Parent’s Guide to Getting Your Sh*t Together in the Summer Holidays So You Can Actually Enjoy Time with Your Family

Are you an artist who’s also a parent and worrying about how you’ll keep the business ticking over the holidays?

Here are some tips to help keep your business going without feeling like you’re missing out on time with your kids or like you’re going to drop all the plates.

1. Plan ahead! When can you work? What are your priorities?

2. Be kind to yourself - plan in little pockets of relaxation, ask for help and be prepared to let some things go. The business is there to support your chosen lifestyle.

3. Be realistic - what can you actually manage? If time is not available then posting daily to socials and running workshops is not going to work.

4. Recycle - got reels and carousels that have done well before? Repost them with new captions. Chances are, a lot of your audience didn’t see them anyway.

5. Cheat - use apps like CapCut to create quick reels

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Art Business Tips Heather Moore Art Business Tips Heather Moore

Things I didn’t know I needed to do as an artist when I first started out (and why they’re crucial)

Nobody starts an art business because they want to spend their life in front of a computer, right? We want to have lots of time to create but there are other tasks that we have to do in order for our clients to be able to see the work so that they can buy it. Having said that, it’s really easy to fall into the trap of doing loads of admin in order to feel like you’re being effective (I am guilty of this). So in order to save you time and stress, I’m Heather Moore, owner of The Peacock & The Printmaker. I have been selling my art for 7 years and have put together a list of things NOT TO DO so that you have more time for the art and the essential biz jobs.

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Art Business Tips, Workshops, In The Studio Heather Moore Art Business Tips, Workshops, In The Studio Heather Moore

Getting to Know the Artist Behind The Peacock & The Printmaker - Heather Moore

What piece are you most proud of selling, and what story does it tell?

I remember selling one of my peacock prints to a lovely man at a local art market. He was looking for something special for his sons who had just moved into his own home. He saw the peacock and loved it. He walked around the market and came back for it. I was overjoyed at how he was pulled back to it among so many beautiful pieces and it was the first print I sold to someone outside of my friends and family group.

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Art Business Tips Heather Moore Art Business Tips Heather Moore

6 ways to share your art that aren’t social media

It may seem like social media is the priority when setting up an art business (and it can be really helpful in being seen) but there are so many ways to be seen outside of the social media rollercoaster. Here are 6 alternative ways to share your art that are great strategies for growing your audience and getting your beautiful artwork in front of your ideal clients.

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