Lino Printmaking: A Newcastle Printmaker’s Blog

Art Collectors Heather Moore Art Collectors Heather Moore

Creating the ‘Conker Hunt’ Lino Reduction Print

Lino reduction print has become my favourite way to work over the last few years. When I explain it to people, it blows their mind how I can work this backwards process out as I go but it’s that uncertainty that is part of the appeal for me.

With this piece I really wanted to work more instinctively than I have in the past so I only traced off the sky, trunk outlines and bracken.

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In The Studio Heather Moore In The Studio Heather Moore

Setting Up The New Printmaking Studio - The Peacock & The Printmaker comes to B Box Studios

Since visiting the Ouseburn Open Studios in 2017, I knew that was where I emanated a studio. Since then, I’ve visited the open studios and scoured every inch of the Ouseburn Valley to see which studios would suit me. As desperate as I was to get a studio, I knew it needed to be the right one.

In Spring 2023, I attended yet another open studios event and found myself in B Box Studios. It was such an inviting space filled with friendly creatives and (it was warm - something my garden studio rarely was).

Straight after that, I contacted The Biscuit Factory Foundation and put my name on the waiting list knowing full well that I couldn’t afford it yet but that studios don’t come up very often.

Six months later, I got an email saying that there were 3 spaces coming up for rent so I went to view them. I cannot express how exciting this was. It was definitely a pinch me moment that made me feel like I was ‘levelling up’ as my coach calls it.

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