Lino Printmaking: A Newcastle Printmaker’s Blog
What is the difference between and off the shelf print and a bespoke commission?
Your home is more than just a space—it’s a sanctuary, a reflection of your story, your dreams, and the moments that matter most. When choosing art, you might wonder: Should I select a ready-made print, or is a bespoke commission the perfect fit? Let’s explore the difference so you can find the right piece for your haven.
What does limited edition really mean?
Well there are art reproductions and original prints.
Art Reproduction prints are created by scanning or photographing the original and digitally printing it onto paper or canvas. Sometimes these are signed and sometimes they are ‘hand finished’ with gilding or some other applied surface adornment.
Original prints and artworks created using printmaking (not involving a computer). This could be monotype, screen print, lithograph, Lino print (my specialism) or another traditional printmaking form. It involves inks being applied to one surface (the inking plate or block for example) and then transferred to the paper, fabric or other chosen final surface. These prints are usually editioned, meaning that they are numbered. This is usually in the bottom left corner of a print before the name and signature and looks like a fraction.
Tiny Seascapes – Mini Escapes for Stylish, Dreamy Interiors
Imagine coming home after a high-energy day, slipping off your heels, and letting your mind drift to the gentle rhythm of the waves...
Hang Your Art without the stress
There are a few different ways to hang your art but you need to pick the best one for you - your walls and your patience levels.
Command Strips
I take you through easy steps for each.
Transforming Spaces: The Art of Crafting a Feature Wall
If you’re thinking about creating a more exciting space in your home by adding a splash of colour then I’m here to help you.
Find out how I created this feature wall and transformed a dull blank space into an interesting space where my art clients can visualise my originals in their homes.
Creating the ‘Conker Hunt’ Lino Reduction Print
Lino reduction print has become my favourite way to work over the last few years. When I explain it to people, it blows their mind how I can work this backwards process out as I go but it’s that uncertainty that is part of the appeal for me.
With this piece I really wanted to work more instinctively than I have in the past so I only traced off the sky, trunk outlines and bracken.
My Long Term Relationship with The Coast
From an early age, I have enjoyed the great British seaside - earlier than I thought in fact.
I asked my mum for some childhood beach photos and one of them was this one of my looking awesome in dungarees and red sunnies. Apparently we were in Devon - I had no idea I even been there - and my toothy grin says it all really. What’s not to love about bare feet in the wet sand seeing parents building sandcastles and getting to knock them down?
I remember a trip to King Edward Bay in Tynemouth with my daughter at a similar age. It’s a pretty similar image except she was more adventurous and decided to sample the sand as food. Luckily the north east is home to some of the cleanest beaches in the UK.
We lived in the North West of England so most of our holidays were either in North Wales or The Lake District.
Stunning Bespoke Commissions: Miracle Baby Hot Air Balloon Linocut
Working on bespoke commissioned linocuts is a really wonderful part of what I do. Creating something truly unique to someone’s brief results in my clients getting exactly what they want and means that nobody else has anything like it. What could be better?
The New Collection of Abstract Wave Layered Lino Prints in Seasonal Hues
Step into a world where the beauty of Tynemouth Longsands and Whitley Bay Beach comes alive through art, where wavy lines and seasonal colours converge to create captivating and timeless Lino prints. I am thrilled to introduce my latest collection of limited edition Lino prints, inspired by the ever-changing seasons and the rhythmic patterns of the North Sea.
5 Reasons to Buy Original Artwork
When buying things for our homes, budget plays a huge part. Prioritising what to spend money on is a fine balancing act and you need to make sure you are getting the most from your hard earned wages.
Artwork may seem like a frivolous investment but actually it could be more important in your home than you think.
My husband and I invested in original artworks before I worked professionally as and artist and i’m glad I did for the following 5 reasons:
The Ultimate Art Lover’s Wedding Gift List - How to get the gifts that you want
You’ve been living together for a while and you already have the perfect toaster (4 slice and it works) and you’re looking for a wedding gift list with a difference. Does this sound like you? Then you’re in the right place.
When you create a wedding list with me, you reserve your favourite limited edition linocut prints or a bespoke commission slot and your wonderful guests club together to buy them. The end result is that you end up with stunning artwork in your home to remind you of your fabulous guests for years to come. Perfect!
How to Commission a Piece of Bespoke Art
A commission, in the art world, is where you employ an artist whose work you love to create you a piece of uniques artwork to your own specifications. It’s an exciting process and results in something totally bespoke that you’ll love for years to come.
I would always say to go with your gut. Who’s artwork do you love? If its someone that you keep coming back to and artwork that you always feel good around then that’s the one!
12 Months of Florals
On one of our daily walks, we spotted some Snowdrops pushing up out of the ground and I decided there and then it had to be florals. Also, when chatting to my Facebook followers, one asked if I could try and new flower every month. YES! I thought. That’s it!
By the time I settled on this, it was already February and my brief research told me that Snowdrops are associated with February so that seemed like a great place to start.
A Guide to Buying Art - The Customer
I’ve known Louisa for a long time and she has been a supporter of my art business from the very beginning. She knows my style and has seen it develop over the last few years. Mum of two gorgeous children and two very well behaved and loving dogs, Louisa lives a busy life juggling family and business as cofounder of The Dog Log with her husband Nathan. She cares about supporting local business, taking care of the environment (and dogs in particular) and living an ethical life.
Show Your Home Some Love
Many of us are spending a LOT more time in our homes than we were this time last year so it’s important that it’s a place that we love being in. I must admit that we decorated our home in a rush before our child was born and haven’t really touched it since. There are definitely things I want to change. How about you?
Change Can be Good…One really simple way to make a change is to fill your home with art that makes you smile. So what is your thing? Is it colour, nature, monochrome, metallics? Funnily enough I have something to satisfy each and every one of those desires.
I Love my Customers
I had other ideas for my blog this month but, after holding a competition for my customers and getting such a great response, I had to write about them.
My fab customers had to take a photo of their favourite buys and tag me in them for a chance to win a full set of hand printed notebooks.
Something a Little Special
Buying from the high street is great if you want something cheap and disposable, however, if you want something that much more special then independents is where you need to be. Shopping with a small business comes with that personal touch.
If you like my style but want something bespoke – great! Just get in touch.
In this month’s blog, I’ll be talking you through some of the recent commissions that I have been working on.
Summer Art Vibes!
I don’t know about you, but a bit of sunshine has done me the world of good recently. It’s amazing the difference that some extra vitamin D can make.
I, like me, a colour injection can give you a big boost then these prints and gifts are just what you need. There’s flora and fauna in abundance. Here are a few of my favourites to bring summer to your home whatever the weather.