How do you determine your USP as an artist or creative business owner?

First of all, what even is a USP?

USP stands for Unique Selling Point. Your USP is what sets you apart from other artists. All businesses need them because it’s the key message to your buyers about why they would want to buy your art or product rather than someone else’s.

A lot of creatives struggle with this because the creative community is such a supportive place that we don’t like to compare ourselves to other. What I don’t want you to do here is get into an comparisonitis cycle - this is about YOU and YOUR ART not others. It’s about what makes us uniquely us. It’s as much about us as sole traders and creators as it is about the artwork or service that we provide.

What’s your USP?

This is what really makes you stand out so you NEED to get this nailed down.

Grab a pen and notebook and have your work in front of you while you answer these questions:

  1. What is the theme of your work?

  2. What medium do you use? Not just paint - be specific about the materials and tools as well.

  3. What kinds of emotions do you feel when you work?

  4. What emotions do you imagine that your clients will feel when they experience your work?

  5. What colour pallettes do you use?

  6. What do you create your artwork? Be really open and authentic about this. Art collectors are emotional beings.

  7. Is there any symbolism in your work?

  8. Are there particular places related to your artwork? This can give a massive insight into your ideal buyer.

  9. What about you is in the work? What about you affects the way the art is created? Is it related to your life, love, home…

Be really specific with your answers to these. We’re looking for the nuances in what you create.

Now that you have all these answers, you need to look really closely at any common themes that are popping up and form it into a statement. It may follow this format…

{descriptive [phrase about artwork] that {emotions it pulls on}

Most importantly, keep it short and sweet and celebrate the quirks of what you do. It’s the weirdness that makes it stand out so don’t shy away from that and certainly don’t try to make it appeal to everyone - that way you’re speaking to no-one.

Now Share It!

Put this statement in your social media bio.

Use it when introducing yourself to potential buyers or anyone who asks what you do.

Put it on your website.


Share it in the comments too!


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