Lino Printmaking: A Newcastle Printmaker’s Blog
Tiny Seascapes – Mini Escapes for Stylish, Dreamy Interiors
Imagine coming home after a high-energy day, slipping off your heels, and letting your mind drift to the gentle rhythm of the waves...
Choosing Colour Combinations for Your Home That Will Positively Affect Your Mood on a Daily Basis
Your environment has a huge impact on your day to day mood. If your home is a mess or falling apart then that has psychological implications. They say ‘tidy space, tidy mind.’ Well I am hopeless with house keeping. I love a good clear out but I have a child and two jobs so yes my house is messy and I’m no Mrs Hinch (I’ve only just learned who she is).
So how do I make my home a feel good space? I add colour.