Lino Printmaking: A Newcastle Printmaker’s Blog
Why it’s Important to Use Good Quality Printmaking tools (and what happens when you don’t)
They say a poor tradesman blames his tools but is that really true?
There’s a balance to be struck when aiming to create the highest quality products. It requires a combination of skill, knowledge and the right tools and materials. Even the most skilled of artists will struggle to create their best work with low quality equipment.
12 Months of Florals
On one of our daily walks, we spotted some Snowdrops pushing up out of the ground and I decided there and then it had to be florals. Also, when chatting to my Facebook followers, one asked if I could try and new flower every month. YES! I thought. That’s it!
By the time I settled on this, it was already February and my brief research told me that Snowdrops are associated with February so that seemed like a great place to start.
A Guide to Buying Art - The Customer
I’ve known Louisa for a long time and she has been a supporter of my art business from the very beginning. She knows my style and has seen it develop over the last few years. Mum of two gorgeous children and two very well behaved and loving dogs, Louisa lives a busy life juggling family and business as cofounder of The Dog Log with her husband Nathan. She cares about supporting local business, taking care of the environment (and dogs in particular) and living an ethical life.