Lino Printmaking: A Newcastle Printmaker’s Blog

Art Collectors Heather Moore Art Collectors Heather Moore

Creating the ‘Conker Hunt’ Lino Reduction Print

Lino reduction print has become my favourite way to work over the last few years. When I explain it to people, it blows their mind how I can work this backwards process out as I go but it’s that uncertainty that is part of the appeal for me.

With this piece I really wanted to work more instinctively than I have in the past so I only traced off the sky, trunk outlines and bracken.

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Show Your Home Some Love

Many of us are spending a LOT more time in our homes than we were this time last year so it’s important that it’s a place that we love being in. I must admit that we decorated our home in a rush before our child was born and haven’t really touched it since. There are definitely things I want to change. How about you?

Change Can be Good…One really simple way to make a change is to fill your home with art that makes you smile. So what is your thing? Is it colour, nature, monochrome, metallics? Funnily enough I have something to satisfy each and every one of those desires.

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